Police tips against bicycle theft

Tips against bicycle theft
Police tips against bicycle theft
(md) As soon as the sun shines again, the cycling season begins. Regardless of whether you are using a pedelec or "classic" muscle power, your bike should be properly secured to ensure that you can enjoy cycling all season long. "Opportunity makes thieves" also applies to bicycle theft. High-quality bikes and e-bikes are particularly sought-after prey.
Polizei Paderborn
Paderborn police

(md) As soon as the sun shines again, the cycling season begins. Regardless of whether you use a pedelec or "classic" muscle power, your bike should be properly secured so that you can enjoy cycling all season long. "Opportunity makes thieves" also applies to bicycle theft. High-quality bikes and e-bikes are particularly sought-after prey.

How you can protect your bike from theft is explained by Chief Inspector Peter Gall from the Paderborn district police department's crime prevention/victim protection unit: "Theft protection starts with the choice of where you park your bike. The ideal bicycle parking space is easily visible, illuminated at night and offers the option of locking the bicycle to a fixed object."

Good locks come at a price. The police advise you to factor in around five percent of the purchase price of a bicycle for theft protection. As there are no "official" security classes for bicycle locks, advice should be sought from specialist retailers.

Further tips from the Paderborn police on the subject of bicycle theft:

  • Always lock your bicycle to a fixed object with a suitable bicycle lock. A second lock doubles the time the perpetrator needs to break it open
  • Do not forget to also secure individual bike parts, such as the batteries on pedelecs.
  • Do not leave any high-value accessories (speedometer, pump, plug-in lights, etc.) or valuables in panniers.
  • File a bike pass and back it up digitally (including photos of the bike).
  • Keep the documents (invoice/bike pass etc.) safe.
  • GPS trackers attached to the bike send an alarm to the cell phone via text message if the bike is moved. They also constantly transmit the bike's location.
  • Bikes should also always be locked in basements, garages or stairwells.
  • Report a bicycle theft to the police immediately.
  • If you observe a bicycle theft, call the police immediately on 110 and make yourself available as a witness.

The police have more information on protection against bicycle theft as well as a bicycle passport to fill out yourself in the leaflet "Securing bicycles properly": www.polizei-beratung.de/medienangebot/detail/25-raeder-richtig-sichern

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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110