During their checks, Vivien Lamers and Michael Gataulin from the Bergisch Gladbach station's security and changeover service usually don't have to wait long for a vehicle to cross a red light.

During their checks, Vivien Lamers and Michael Gataulin from the Bergisch Gladbach station's security and changeover service usually don't have to wait long for a vehicle to cross a red light.
Uniformed policewoman on the left, uniformed police officer on the right, both wearing a white police cap on their heads, a blue protective vest, radio, holstered weapon and pepper spray. A red traffic light and a stop sign can be seen blurred in the background.
During their checks, Vivien Lamers and Michael Gataulin from the Bergisch Gladbach station's security and changeover service usually don't have to wait long for a vehicle to cross a red light.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110