Password Paderborn
Make your password strong!
Prevention campaign on the use of secure passwords
The Paderborn district police authority is taking part in the state campaign for greater online safety. The aim is to raise people's awareness and increase security on the Internet. Insecure passwords make it very easy for Internet crooks to get hold of your data and therefore your money.

Buying new shoes, online banking, the classifieds market, getting something quickly on eBay or Amazon - many of our purchases and errands are increasingly taking place online (and not just at the moment due to coronavirus).
However, while most of us are very careful not to fall victim to fraud or theft when shopping "for real", this is often not the case when shopping online. 

Many users are still far too careless with their personal data. Especially when it comes to password security, the famous "12345678" has been extremely popular for years.

Weak passwords make it easy for criminals
And this is, of course, an invitation for Internet crooks of all kinds: they are offered virtually on a silver platter what they need to tap into data and use it to plunder bank accounts or go on online shopping trips on someone else's account.

It's very easy to prevent this: as a first step, make sure you have a secure password - you are primarily responsible for protecting your own data. "Really, I can't even remember 1 password, let alone 3 or 4!" The method for generating a complex and therefore strong password that is also easy to memorize is very simple:

And here's how to create a strong password
If this statement applies to you, you already have a password! You create your password by combining the initial letters with numbers and punctuation marks to form a strong password:

DH+dL3+dhjH2! (Der Hasen + der Löffel 3 + doch hat jeder Hase 2!)

But please don't use this one! Formulate your own strong password! (Dbndb!FS1e,sP!) 

Data protection starts with each individual
Data protection is essential almost everywhere on the Internet, not just on Amazon, eBay, PayPal etc.. Passwords are requested almost everywhere - and ideally you should use a separate password for each online access.

You can find much more detailed information on this topic on the dedicated homepage.

Do you have any questions? Then give us a call, we will be happy to advise you on 05251 306-3900.

Together with the Paderborn consumer advice center (Verbraucherzentrale NRW e.V., Beratungsstelle Paderborn, Grunigerstraße 2, 33102 Paderborn, phone: 05251 683490), the Paderborn district police authority is working hard to keep cyber criminals at bay.


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