Home burglary radar

Residential burglary radar map
Home burglary radar
Weekly residential burglaries in the Paderborn district with map to download

The weekly "Residential burglary radar" is an overview map showing the scenes of residential burglaries and attempted burglaries in the Paderborn district over the past week. For reasons of data protection, the crime scenes, i.e. streets and house numbers, cannot be identified in detail. For system-related reasons, only one "pin" is shown for each crime scene, even if several burglaries were committed there during the recording period. In individual cases, a crime scene that has already been recorded by the police may not be displayed because it has not yet been recorded in the system.

The residential burglary radar can be viewed or downloaded in the box on the right.

In this way, we inform citizens about the development of burglary crime in the Paderborn district. We would like to raise your awareness and motivate you to report suspicious observations to us immediately if they are made.

Recommendations for action:
It is important to be vigilant and to call 110 immediately if there is even the slightest suspicion in the neighborhood.
Secure your apartment or house against uninvited visitors.
Our prevention specialists will show you how to effectively protect your home against burglars using simple means.

Arrange a free consultation by calling 05251 306-3900.

Further information on burglary protection can also be found on the pages of the state campaign "Riegel vor! Safe is safer."

Your police in the Paderborn district

Translated with DeepL.com (API Version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110